Thursday 7 May 2009

Todays Activites .2

Printing Services

Today me and Olivia visited printers in the hope of being able to get specialized items printed. My packaging needs to be printed on cardboard with a waxy finish feel (photography) like normal packaging.

We first visited Hobs in Holborn
However they only print stand prints and do not deal with lithographic prints which will be needed to create a waxy effect.

Then we were told about a small lithographers.
His name was Ted and he was very friendly and very relaxed and seemed fine with my needs. I will be visiting him soon with my current designs. I have to see if I can get the process started as I'm unsure of the cost and time scale needed. As I need a small quantity but a lot of items (roughly 18)

We then ventured to pronto print to just check if they had the facilities to print on the materials and to achieve the effect but unfortunately they are only deal in basic prints like Hobs.

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